At Come Play and Stay K9 Ranch things are pretty simple...where dogs can be dogs & humans can learn from them. No hype, no magic....we follow easy to learn principles that result in an amazing relationship with our dogs.
In small pictures, small tasks until your dog tells us he/she is ready to move to next task. Teaching command words; come, down, place, out, up, off, no, yes and kennel or crate. We use tools; free shaping, food, clicker, slip lead, prong collar, NO ~ YES ~ BREAK and E collar, each at the correct time to introduce. Nothing is cut and dry, different dogs require different learning equipment.
My programs are simple:
I incorporate daily worship with all the dogs in my care. From local shelter foster dogs to client dogs to my personal dogs. Having this freedom to honor God for all he provides is the core value in my life.
Board & Train, your dog comes to live with me for 30 days. during this time I will be working daily on the manners you wish to enhance and those you wish to correct/change/control. Anyone that claims "oh I can get rid of that" or "no problem your dog will never do that again" RUN.... As a trainer I am not a magical solution...I am the mediator between you and your dog, with an objective and goal to blend you both with manners that are acceptable. At the end of the day, training can only be successful if the human is 100% committed to change.
Walking Lessons:
8 weekly lessons for those that just want their dog to walk nice on leash. This program is NOT for dogs that have human reactivity. example; pulling, circling, weaving, sniffing, yelping, laying down and unfocused. We meet in the area you most often serves no purpose coming to me as the problem is in your area!
I board for clients that have completed a program. It gives comfort knowing your dog has a friend that can care for them while mom & dad are away.
$25 per night