Hyde Fitness Consulting
Hyde Fitness Consulting

Hyde Fitness Consulting

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I've helped hundreds of people avoid an early death using 4 frameworks that make it simple to lose weight, decrease stress, and improve performance permanently.

Hired 1 time

Serves Fayetteville, AR

Background checked

1 employee

5 years in business

Business hours

This pro hasn't listed their business hours.

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Cash, Credit card, and Venmo.

Projects and media

22 photos

Projects and media

22 photos


Customers rated this pro highly for professionalism, responsiveness, and work quality.


3 reviews


pro avatar
Donna a.
Apr 2, 2022
I came to Lucas after the 1st year of the pandemic. I had gained 30 pounds! Lol well you know I couldn't live like that! I decided a personal trainer was exactly what I needed. And I am 68 years old now. I signed up with Lucas last June and by October I had lost more than 30 lbs and this I s April and I look better and feel better than some years past. my posture is .great and I am so so much stronger . Thank you Lucas 😘
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Blakely S.
Apr 2, 2022
My husband has worked out with Lukas for a couple of years, and I joined in not quite a year ago. I was a little nervous having not participated in this type of workout before. Lukas immediately put me at ease! He picked up on my fitness level quickly and developed a plan that made me feel comfortable while still pushing me to my limits. He has been amazing before, during and after my knee surgery. I am confident in his knowledge of what is best for my workouts. Reliable, motivating and knowledgeable are just a few of the strong character traits you can expect from him. Highly recommend!!
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Susan N.
Apr 1, 2022
I started working with Lucas, intending for only three months to get my arms in shape for my daughter’s wedding. That was three years ago! Three years, 30 pounds, two pant sizes, old bad eating habits, and a whole lot of sweat/fun ago!! Lucas is encouraging, always available, realistic, supportive and gets that life tries to de-rail our goals sometimes. Lucas puts you back on track. Expect to work. Expect results. A great investment in YOU!
Hyde Fitness Consulting's reply
You're just the best! Much love 🙌🏼
Background Check

Lucas Hyde

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Hyde Fitness Consulting
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Background Check

Lucas Hyde

Completed on 7/12/2023