Natural Healing Solutions
Natural Healing Solutions

Natural Healing Solutions

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The background of the massage I do is a mixture of Swedish and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tuina has its roots in China 5000 yrs ago. This is where chiropractic medicine and Craniosacral work came from originally. It is great for relieving pain, relaxing muscles and nerves, decreases lactic acid build up. I use acupressure points and range of motion to increase the healing process. I like seeing and knowing that I can help clients recover from illness, injury and training easier and quicker.

1 employee

11 years in business

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3 reviews


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Luna R.
Aug 31, 2015
I would like to that this opportunity to tell you how wonderfully trained as a professional Vivienne D'Amico truly is. On more that one occasion, Vivienne took me under her wings and slowly but surely was able to help me with what I thought was "Tennis Elbow," because I play tennis. The pain certainly came from me playing tennis, but she informed me that the injury was "Golfer's Elbow." At any rate, at on point I could not even hit a tennis ball. With the help of Vivienne and some patience on my part, I was able to play my beloved tennis a little at a time, until finally, I reached the point of playing when I wanted and for as long as I wanted. This was because of many factors. First because of Vivienne's massages in the right places on many occasions, the wonderful wrap job that she put on my elbow and the fact that I did what she told me to do. If more people went to Vivienne, more people would start feeling better in no time!
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Frank F.
Sep 4, 2015
I have been having problems with my knees for years. I'm severely over weight and medical doctors have suggested surgery for a cure. I started seeing Vivienne back in may, and immediately started feeling better. Living way out in Willow it is difficult to go to Anchorage on a weekly basis. After a long day of helping others, Vivienne drives all the way out here and works on my knees and my wife's neck in the comfort of our own home. On her last visit We had some friends over whose husband has been going through chemo therapy. She worked her magic on them both physically and spiritually. Her healing methods are good for the joints as well as for the soul. Thank you Vivienne. Your a wonderful person awesome healer!
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Amy M.
Aug 20, 2015
One night I had a major migraine nothing would help it, nothing would make it go away I was on the verge of having to go to the emergency room knowing that all they could do was pump me full of drugs I didn't want that. I called my friend Vivienne and thankfully she came over and these migraines usually takes a couple of days to go away. By giving me a wonderful massage and finally digging into my Psoas which I had obviously been having problems with, also clearing and calming my mindafter having mental health problems for over 2 years I was very thankful that she was able to help me.
Natural Healing Solutions's reply
Thank you Amy for you recent recommendation. I am really glad the treatment worked for you.. Please let me know when I can be of service to you again.