LDS Hope And Recovery

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Regardless of where you live, LDS Sexual Addiction counseling is now available via online counseling. LDS Hope and Recovery provides counseling for clients in a convenient and secure method. Now you can meet with a counselor from anywhere (i.e. home, office, hotel room, or on the road). Individual, couple and group counseling is available for clients who live in an area where there are no any qualified LDS pornography/sexual addiction counselors available. Research shows that traditional family therapy does more harm than good for the couples dealing with pornography/sexual addiction. Individuals and couples are impacted in unique ways that benefit from the careful guidance and direction of a trained therapist who specializes in sexual addiction.
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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    On my personal website I have listed questions that I would ask a sexual addiction therapist if I was looking to hire one. Take the time to go through those questions and, if you have more questions, call and ask them before scheduling an appointment.