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Staging- We transform spaces from vacant and undefined, to warm and inviting that draws the client in to want more. Each project starts as a vision and develops into rooms that come to life, through either color, furniture selection, or that special piece of artwork. Design Services- We create spaces that make you love coming home to. The house that has your friends talking about how amazing the rooms are. Holiday Decorating-We can work with you on a decorating package that works for your budget. Whether you go big and extravagant or keep it simple, use your own existing decorations or buy new with a theme in mind. We also do custom designs for holiday decorating such as a chandelier tree for your table. Let Staging 2 Sell It make your holiday come to life. I enjoy the impact I make on vacant homes through staging with furniture and accessories that result to a fast sale for the market. I especially enjoy the reveal to the client after everything has been done, whether its redesign or staging their face just lights up with amazement. That is what I love about the industry that I am in and the impact it can make.

Hired 41 times

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2 employees

10 years in business

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This pro accepts payments via Cash, Credit card, Square cash app, and Venmo.

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Type of home organizing service


Customers rated this pro highly for responsiveness, value, and professionalism.

Excellent 4.9

23 reviews


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Dana R.
Apr 28, 2018

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Details: Multi-unit building • Walls • More than 3,000 sq ft • Under 8 feet • Repainting - same color • Excellent - clean and smooth • Yes, I will supply the paint to the professional • No, I will move the furniture or wall hangings myself

Interior Painting
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Dean W.
Aug 4, 2019

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Details: Home • 1 room • Walls • Ceiling • 8 - 10 feet • Repainting - color change • Excellent - clean and smooth • Homeowner or property manager • No, this is not new construction • Yes, I would like the painter to help move things

Interior Painting
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Bill & Mary Z.
Feb 2, 2016
Deb did a wonderful job staging our home. It was amazing to see the transformation. She has been so easy to work with. Her enthusiasm is contagious. We believe this will do the trick for getting that offer soon!!
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Kristin P.
Feb 10, 2016
Debra has a clear vision. Her insight is very helpful to a seller when getting their home ready to go on the market.
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Debbie H.
Feb 26, 2016
Deb came in and changed the dark rooms(that looked small) to a beautiful light color that goes with any colors that anyone would use and brightened the whole house. It is beautiful.I had never heard about staging. but I would recommend it to anyone that wants to sell property. It is AMAZING. Deb is the best!
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Debra Hippler

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Background Check

Debra Hippler

Completed on 5/12/2021