Apex Endurance Sports, LLC
Apex Endurance Sports, LLC

Apex Endurance Sports, LLC

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Apex Endurance Sports is a nationally represented endurance team and USAT and USAC-certified coaching service. Team Apex was created to cater to the competitive age grouper and those endurance athletes who want to take the next step in their training. Apex clients are continually achieving personal bests by applying smarter training. At Apex, we begin and end with the individual. All of our programming is personally customized delivering a training plan that fits the needs and goals of each client, whether they are triathletes or single sport athletes like runners or cyclists. Whether you are trying to improve your fitness level, alter your nutrition or prepare for your first ironman, we will conduct a comprehensive interview, assess your strengths and weaknesses and create plans based on your goals. We start with an in-depth look at the athlete's current status to understand his or her strengths and limiting factors. Only then do we implement a training program tailored specifically to meet and exceed the athlete's goals while still fitting into their life. Based on your background, what you want to accomplish, preferred means of communication, etc., we will develop a coaching solution for you and your particular needs. All of our programs include the following: * Race season planning and goal setting * Fitness assessments for establishing training zones (pace, HR and/or power) * Personal TrainingPeaks account * Weekly monitoring of progress -*Detailed race day strategy including equipment, pacing, training, recovery and nutrition * Coach response within 48 hours * Contact via phone, email, text or twitter
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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Ask plenty of questions. Ask for references. Ask for an overview of their coaching process. Make sure they are a business for insurance reasons.