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Shelly Anglin
Shelly Anglin

Shelly Anglin

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Some "motivational," information is exciting and inspiring while you're hearing it, but not very practical when "real life" resumes, after the seminar. Living in Joy is about the living. I share usable strategies and techniques and focus on changing perspectives. It takes more than positive thinking, or meditating on something you want, to make your life the joyful playground it is meant to be. My seminars offer an opportunity to bridge the gap between faith and faithful action, between thinking positively and actually experiencing postive results. After my seminars, I regularly hear from attendees that they are using strategies like "Being Present," or "Eliminating the Ropes," and finding it easy to transform their own workplaces and homes into places where they can live more joyfully.
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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Ask about the speaker's background. Although many speakers provide some basic information that is applicable to all people, regardless of profession or present situation (and I am no exception), a speaker who can relate specifically to the challenges your group faces can generally present more relevant, usable information. Find out who the speaker's traditional audience has been and whether or not the speaker has personal experience in your or related fields. As a former high school teacher, a collection department manager, a business owner, and a present nurse and nurse manager, I am uniquely attuned to the stressors of those types of jobs and lifestyles. I have spoken to groups ranging from MBA-bound professionals to health care providers (e.g. RN's and Care Partners, hospital leadership, and members of various nursing societies, such as pediatric and oncology nursing groups). Additionally, I have addressed church groups on retreat about bringing joy to existing relationships. Does that sound like I could relate to your group? If so, let's talk about how I might put a program together and work for you!