MerchantLinx LLC
MerchantLinx LLC

MerchantLinx LLC

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We form a personal-basis working relationship w/ our customers hard to find in the fast-paced world of technology. We also fully explain what is being provided for the customer, exactly what they are paying for and if and why they need it. The key to doing this effectively is our open relationship environment, as well as our policy to convey information to our clients' from a non-technical perspective ("laymens terms"). ...not to mention we provide very reasonable rates with exceptional results! The ability to enable website owners to maintain and administer their own website content independently through administrative menus and via custom applications/processes they can easily use. This prevents the need for them to understand the technical aspects normally required to satisfy their website and internet service needs. Many designers/developers want their customer's to become dependent on them for ongoing maintenance. Instead, MerchantLinx works TOWARDS our customers' independence - allowing them to maintain their site without continuous reliance upon designers/developers. This works best on our end as well, leaving us free of tedious, often superficial site updates and frustrated customers wasting time/money coordinating with expensive contractors.
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