Calvert Handyman and Home Improvement, LLC
Calvert Handyman and Home Improvement, LLC

Calvert Handyman and Home Improvement, LLC

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I do home repairs, light landscaping, remodels, decks and patios, and drywall repairs and installation. I treat your house as if it were my own home. I am your honey-do list helper. Customers love my attention to detail and commitment to perform the very best job I can provide for them. I work in Calvert, Charles, St. Mary's, and Southern Anne Arundel counties in Maryland. I charge $65.00 an hour for handyman jobs plus materials, and larger jobs are performed under contract. I would be open to jobs outside of my regular area at a slightly higher rate which would be provided beforehand. However, I am not licensed in Washington, D.C., and Virginia.

Hired 2 times

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Diane M.
Feb 12, 2013

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Willie did a great job for us. Arrived on time with everything he needed. Worked diligently and patiently. Very friendly and courteous. We recommend him highly. Thanks, Willie!

License Type: Home Improvement Contractor (MD)


  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    Mostly home repairs like dry wall repairs, deck repairs and deck installation. I also perform room remodels like bath room, kitchen, and basement finishing. I also do patio pavers.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Make sure they are licensed and insured. If it is a long term job get a contact signed. Make sure they guarantee their work.

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Calvert Handyman and Home Improvement, LLC
Calvert Handyman and Home Improvement, LLC
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For the most updated information on licensing, you should visit the state’s website to confirm the license is still current and valid.

Credential Details

License Holder: William Swindell

License Type: Home Improvement Contractor (MD)

License number: #128765

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