Rosca Massage Therapy
Rosca Massage Therapy

Rosca Massage Therapy

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Indulge yourself with on-site massage therapy from Rosca Massage Therapy. An experienced massage therapist will help you break away from everyday stress, and bring total relaxation and balance in the comfort of your home. Services include Swedish, deep tissue, sport, trigger points, Thai, shiatsu, and pregnancy massage.
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Jim T.
Jun 3, 2012
I've had probably a hundred massages since I began my sports-injury related physical therapy in 2002 - ranging from deep tissue treatments in a sports rehab training room to soul-stirring outdoor rubs in the red mountains vortex of Sedona to swank Mandarin Oriental treatments with organic scrubs and exotic oils to platza treatments at Turkish steams. I feel as though I've found a true gem with Mihail, who is currently tucked away in Woburn, Mass. What you have with Mihail is a true professional and gentleman who has mastered his craft. The techniques he uses are unique and effective. I've committed to seeing him regularly and this is not due to him being located in a lush venue, using fancy products, or offering up a twelve-page menu of specialized treatments, rather its about his ability to connect and heal. Mihail is the most intuitive masseur I've encountered and treats each session as a unique opportunity to share his healing gift with his clients. Without hesitation, I'd say that his massages are truly the best that this region has to offer. Do not hesitate to book your next massage with Mihail Rosca. I strongly recommend extended time (2 hours +) to allow him time to really focus on any specific areas that require attention.