Evansville Home Staging & Re-Design
Evansville Home Staging & Re-Design

Evansville Home Staging & Re-Design

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Type of home organizing service
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I am a perfectionist and I treat every home project as if it is my own. That is apparent in every detail, I see everything and I tie everything together in the look and color the client wants. I really enjoy meeting new people and walking thru their house with them. I love seeing their reactions to what changes we can make to increase the selling potential of their property. Many times I have been told after an occupied Staging is completed that the couple wishes they had me come and do that sooner so they could have lived in the great space created for them to help them sell their home.

Hired 1 time

Background checked

2 employees

16 years in business

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Cash, Check, Credit card, PayPal, and Square cash app.

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Featured Projects

21 photos

Type of home organizing service

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Background Check

Brenda Hughes


  • What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?

    I studied Interior Design in the Dallas TX area. After I sold my decorator Design center in Dallas TX, I moved back home to IN, where I became interested in Staging. I checked into taking classes or courses on Staging & Re-Design, found an extensive 21 wk course and got busy. Since then I have taken an advanced Staging Class with Matthew Finlason of HGtV. I love what I do and I love helping people sell their property faster and for more money:)

  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    My back ground is in Interior Design and when I moved back home to Evansville, IN, to be close to family again, I wanted to do something different. I watched HGTV like everyone else and enjoyed watching Design to Sell with Terry Haas. It inspired me and I decided this service was something the Tri-State area really needed and I would love doing it. So I checked into taking classes or courses on Staging & Re-Design, found an extensive 21 wk course and got busy. Since then I have taken an advanced Staging Class with Matthew Finlason of HGtV. I love what I do and I love helping people sell their property faster and for more money:)

  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    I have worked directly for many Home Owners who were tired of seeing their house sit on the market empty and no offers. I have also worked a number of Smart agents who were smart enough to recommend to their clients.

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Evansville Home Staging & Re-Design
Evansville Home Staging & Re-Design
Credential Information
Background Check

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Credential Details
Background Check

Brenda Hughes

Completed on 6/30/2021