Pam Miller Designs
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I have over 30 years of experience in teaching acrylic painting and jewelry making and about 7 years in instructing polymer clay classes. I currently teach Fine Arts painting classes for beginners at the Peoria and Bloomington Michaels stores. I teach jewelry making at the Peoria Michaels and polymer clay classes at another location.
Contact me for information. My fees vary. I also accept commissioned work, sell my art and jewelry, and I love doing portraits and especially murals in businesses and private homes.
I'm certified to teach painting and jewelry making. I am president of the Central Illinois Polymer Clay Guild (join our Yahoo group) and secretary for the Washington Fine Arts Society.
I love all kinds of creating and teaching others to realize their potential. Join my painting class mailing list on my site for class information.
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Great 4.8
19 reviews
Molly R.
Dec 18, 2012
Lisa S.
Dec 19, 2012
Karen R.
Mar 3, 2011
While I'm too far away to take Pam's classes (I'm in MD) I LOVE the packets Pam has on her website and have bought many. Her work is gorgeous and the instructions to all her packets and patterns are always clear and easy to follow. She's a great teacher and has shared much of herself over the years. Just wish I was closer because I'd be in the front row in a heartbeat!
Marilyn G.
Mar 3, 2011
Pam is a multi-talented artist. We share a love of polymer clay, and I have taken several classes from her. It is always fun and inspiring. I am always in awe of what she can do!!
Jan K.
Mar 3, 2011
Have taken several classes with Pam at Michaels. Her finishing details make her paintings really come "alive", and help a beginner like me to have a better finished painting.