Capacity Building & Development
Capacity Building & Development

Capacity Building & Development

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Shyam (Shyamsunder Panchavati), an advisor to Harvard Business Review and Mckinsey and Co., is now available for select coaching assignments. He offers coaching in management subjects, like entrepreneurship, brand management, social media marketing, designing course curriculum, management and manufacturing practices, logistics, and supply chain, as well as human values, behavior sciences, and esteem elevation.
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Projects and media

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  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    Teaching, coaching, writing management articles, Guest Lectures. Featured Author on wikiHow with 22 articles,and 140,000 page views. Featured Author on Silicon India blog with more than half a million page views. Advisor to Harvard Business Review. On Executive Panel of experts at Mckinsey & Co.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Please verify the credentials of the service providers. Please check their global ranking, global worth. their presence and clout on the social media.