- What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I am always looking to better myself as a photographer. Photography is a field that is constantly changing these days with the digital side of things. There are new photo editing programs out and new versions of those programs out all the time. I snag up workshops, mentoring, and classes whenever and wherever I can get them!
- How did you get started doing this type of work?
Before my kids were born, I loved taking pictures, but I only did it here and there. It was never something that crossed my mind as a potential career. With the birth of my first child, I became a self-proclaimed mamarazzi. Just before my second child was born, I upgraded from a point and shoot to a professional DSLR. I kept learning more and more and wanted to improve, so I took classes and more classes and decided that this was an amazing career and the rest is history!
- What types of customers have you worked with?
Most of my "jobs" are natural light portrait photography. This means, we either meet somewhere at a park and do the shoot, or I come to them and use the natural light in and around their house to create their photographs. I don't really think of what I do as a job though! It's way more fun than a job!