Law Offices of David C. Dodge
Law Offices of David C. Dodge

Law Offices of David C. Dodge

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David C. Dodge is a tax lawyer and certified public accountant with 30 years of experience handling individuals' and business entities' tax controversy cases. If you need to fight the Internal Revenue Service or to fight any California taxing agency for a remedy, call him for a free telephone consultation. Expert representation includes federal courts tax litigation, tax audits, any type of tax collection case, refund claims, offers in compromise, payroll tax collection, penalty removal, or anything requiring a fight. Neither Internal Revenue Service or California taxing agencies will likely grant any remedy, unless the taxpayer has a skilled lawyer fighting for a remedy. Visit his website for valuable information about your tax matter. Call for a free telephone consultation. ** CA Bar Number 195187 Licensed Lawyer California State Bar CA License Number 101298 Certified Public Accountant California Board of Accountancy

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27 years in business

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David Dodge


  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Be sure the lawyer you hire routinely handles the type of tax case you have. Lawyers are spealistist too, like doctors. My law practice is 99% tax controversies.