Actor's Memorization And Audition Private Coaching
Actor's Memorization And Audition Private Coaching

Actor's Memorization And Audition Private Coaching

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Sorry this pro can’t do your job, but we know other pros who can.
I have been an award-winning actress and director for over 30 years. I've coached actors one on one for memorization skills and auditions for film, television, theater, university admittance, pageants, festivals, competitions, and song interpretation. The cost is $50 a session, which typically runs from 60 to 90 minutes. I work with student and professional-level actors. I can work with you at my studio, or if more convenient, I also coach via Skype. I accept Paypal, cash and silver eagles. I love actors, and I love the craft. The only competition you have is yourself. Go get them! You are the actor for the role. I help you get it!
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  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    I give them tools to memorize, I train them in skills to improve what they are doing,therefore they are more confident in their ability and that enriches their personal lives as well. I provide scene and monologue advice and can provide actual scenes if the client can't find one to use. I also have commercial copy for actors who are boning up for commercial auditions. And if fact encourage clients when they are ready to video tape themselves doing the final most ready performance so they can record my notes and have the reference if needed or wanted.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Look for someone who is not trying to gouge actors with exhorbitant prices. Also, they should be versed in comedy and drama as they are expressed for film, theater and television. The styles and mediums are very different. Remember just because you work once with someone you don't have to work with them again. You are in charge of where you go and how you use what you learn. Keep the process fun! Skyping is an easy and underutilized medium for working with a coach. Don't be afraid to try it out. Save money on gas, and live a bit greener! :)