- What types of customers have you worked with?
We help clients by managing their marketing efforts for them. We do a lot of work in the areas of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Web design, email marketing, social media, local search, video marketing, mobile apps, and more.
- What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?
Especially in the SEO field, there are a lot of "sharks" to look out for. We pride ourselves on integrity and doing the best we can for each client. We don't just focus on getting clients' websites ranking for a random bunch of keywords - we look at what truly drives their business and do what makes sense to actually attract clients. SEO does tend to attract the "snake oil sales" types because it's fairly new, complex, technical, takes time to see solid results from an overall campaign, and is not cheap. Some of these companies sell the dream, then move on to the next sales pitch while collecting checks and doing nothing for the client. By the time the client realizes they're not getting a return for their investment, they've wasted a lot of time and money. We have a free report on our site that can help you learn what to avoid when deciding to hire an SEO firm and how not to get ripped off. The bottom line is this: Whether you choose to do business with us or someone else, we don't want you to waste your money or your time with the bad guys out there.