Lakehomes Realty

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Lakehomes Realty grew into a niche waterfront real estate company after its founders, Dan and Sandy Anderson, spent many years specializing in properties on water. Each of the agents at Lakehomes Realty acts as more of a consultant than they do a salesperson, giving waterfront buyers and sellers in-depth knowledge and marketing skills that are difficult to find with more generalized agents. The Realtors at Lakehomes Realty are able to work over larger regions than a typical agent because their focus is on a specialized type of real estate rather than a defined geographic area. This serves buyers well who are not locked into a specific community, and it is great for sellers who need additional exposure to market their lake properties other than what they are able to find with many local real estate companies. Probably, the best thing about Lakehomes Realty is that it is a combination of localized specialty agents who have incredible marketing abilities with the Lakehomes brand, and they are able to use the strength of our highly targeted search results, combined with their niche waterfront experience, to benefit both buyers and sellers in the lakeshore marketplace.
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