Hear Me Roar Online Marketing Videos
Hear Me Roar Online Marketing Videos

Hear Me Roar Online Marketing Videos

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I provide high-quality filming and editing for businesses. I use TV grade cameras and Hollywood level editing software to create a dynamic experience of your business for online marketing on your website and through social media. The videos that I make are based on social media trends, solid marketing expertise and an extensive knowledge of how people learn and take in information so that they will want to watch your video from start to end and be attracted to you and your business. I can also film your workshop or event to make product DVDs. Online business has accelerated recently so that having video in your online presence is essential for your business survival and the quality of your video counts toward the professional appeal and marketing value of your business. I charge an hourly or day rate for filming and an hourly rate for editing. Video packages are available to discount the purchase of multiple or longer videos. An additional service I provide, separate from filming is the marketing plan for using your videos in social media to increase the visibility and credibility of your business. Travel for filming outside of Santa Cruz is charged at $0.75 per mile.
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