Cirque du Papier
Cirque du Papier

Cirque du Papier

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Q: How does your business stand out? A: I am part of an elite assemblage of international origami entertainers. There are very few entertainers or artists in the USA who are doing origami as entertainment. So it is hard to say how mine "stands out from others who do what I do". I can say that I constantly have people express much surprise at enjoying an entertainer who features folding paper. Q: What do you enjoy about the work you do? A: Getting that paycheck. No, all seriousness aside, I think it is the satisfaction of folding those "magical" puzzle designs (origami animals, flowers, objects) from a single sheet of paper using no cuts, tears, or glue. And hearing the guests amazement and "oohs and aahs" and expressions of gratitude for getting such a special keepsake at the event.

1 employee

47 years in business

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