Blind Renaissance, Inc.
Blind Renaissance, Inc.

Blind Renaissance, Inc.

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Blind Renaissance creates viable marketing strategies through close collaboration with clients. The success of our services relies on our ability to listen closely, identify and understand target audiences, while honoring the needs and requests of our clients. What also makes our work stand out from the crowd is our flexibility. We can design websites for any company or audience, large or small. We are also able to produce any promotional material desired - from trifold brochures to tradeshow booths, we have your needs covered. The designers at Blind Renaissance feel as though they most enjoy the combination of two contrasting work styles under one roof. Our office environment allows for the freedom to explore, research and experiment creatively, while still adhering to deadlines and budgets for each project. By stretching our perspectives outward and then narrowing in on a potential creative concept, Blind Renaissance is able to produce fresh and potent solutions for any and all marketing needs.
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    One of our "specialties" that we are often asked to provide is website development on a platform that allows for updatable content by the client. Blind Renaissance utilizes a website hosting platform called Squarespace. While Squarespace provides a number of pre-designed templates that you can insert your content into, we take it to a higher level of web development. Using our designers' knowledge of web coding and experience in image manipulation software, we can create unique, one-of-a-kind websites that are simple to modify and update content. We also include 1-2 hours of Squarespace training time with one of our designers for each project - to ensure clients understand and are able to take advantage of the websites we provide them.