Lindsey Marlor Photography
Lindsey Marlor Photography

Lindsey Marlor Photography

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Sorry this pro can’t do your job, but we know other pros who can.
L Photography has a unique style of editing. I offer a variety of styles to fit your need. I customize edit each image to make sure it flatters my customers. I handover a the cd of images to you and allow you to print freely without charge. I attach 5 different "looks" to each image. (Black and white, original, vintage, etc...) I will also cater the session to what style you are looking for! I loveeee photography and capturing memories! I like stretching my creativity and see what new things I can create! If you have a vision I would love to make it happen!
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Featured Projects

5 photos


  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    I do a lot of little ones, my favorite is couples, and I will take on a limited amount of weddings per year. Check out my site to see the rest!