Spotted Tail Orlando Fishing Charters
Spotted Tail Orlando Fishing Charters

Spotted Tail Orlando Fishing Charters

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We are your trusted and entertaining Orlando, Florida fishing guide, Capt. John Kumiski's Spotted Tail Fishing Charters. For fun-filled guided fishing trips on Mosquito Lagoon and surrounding waters, look no further than Orlando Florida's premier charter fishing service, Capt. John Kumiski. John has been a flats fishing guide for over 20 years. He specializes in flats fishing for seatrout, redfish, snook, black drum, tarpon, and more on the waters of the Banana River Lagoon, Mosquito Lagoon and Indian River Lagoon. We also fish the near the Atlantic Ocean's coastal waters for snook, tarpon, king mackerel, cobia, and more. We provide all fishing tackle, lures, bait, or flies, licenses, permits, everything you need but your refreshments. Whether tarpon fishing along the beach, or fishing for redfish in the Mosquito Lagoon, Spotted Tail Orlando Fishing Charters is the Orlando fishing guide to contact when you want a memorable fishing trip! We've helped thousands of happy anglers catch a memory. Let us be your Orlando fishing guide for seatrout, tarpon, snook, redfish, or any other central Florida fishing. For further information about the most educational and enjoyable fishing trips in Orlando Florida, including canoe fishing and kayak fishing trips, contact Spotted Tail Orlando Fishing Charters.

1 employee

28 years in business

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