- How did you get started doing this type of work?
I am fascinated with the Body. How it works mechanically, how it translates our energetic bodies into the physical plane, its ability to heal itself. I love to move my body and was a professional belly dance teacher and performer for over a decade. I became a bodyworker to be able to hear how others' bodies communicate and then facilitate their healing. I became a shamanic practitioner to incorporate the subtle fields of the body into my practice.
- What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?
Trust your intuition. Do the words of the practitioner intrigue you? Do they use images that resonate with you even if you don't understand the symbolism? Listen with your heart and with your root. The mind is playing tricks all the time, but your root, your gut and your heart will always be aligned with your soul's highest good.