LateNite ArtWorks
LateNite ArtWorks

LateNite ArtWorks

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I do freelance artwork but am also looking for a full-time permanent position. I am proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, DreamWeaver, HTML, some Flash, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. I have worked at four Internet companies (Team Jedi Marketing, PowerSide Broadcast Network, Best Web Resources, and EchoBridge Productions), two ad agencies (BFW Advertising and W.B. Donor and Co., the ad agency for Arby's restaurant), a sign company (Graphics Plus), and a newspaper as a graphic artist (Ocala Star-Banner). I created ad layouts with the American Welding Journal and cartoons for Flexlines magazine for two years. I had one of my cartoons published in an Australian computer magazine (DataFlex DownUnder). I created an illustration for the cover of the 'Directory for American Subacute Care Association.' I created a brochure and t-shirt design for Texaco.
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