HeartStrings FiberArts
HeartStrings FiberArts

HeartStrings FiberArts

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All HeartStrings patterns incorporate master knitter techniques that minimize extra finishing steps. If you don't consider yourself a master at knitting, don't worry. These techniques are elegantly integrated into Jackie's designs and clearly explained in the pattern instructions. For less-experienced knitters, this is a way to learn new knitting skills. For more advanced knitters, you can benefit by seeing new ways to apply these techniques. You will find that HeartStrings patterns are a pleasure to knit, and the completed project will be a source of pride. I have a background in music and mathematics. I enjoy the process of capturing the melody of light and shadow, and harmonizing it with the style and function of the intended article. The process of design and experimentation evolves, sometimes taking several iterations. But ultimately the design must be a coherent whole before I am satisfied. I occasionally have even named a design after a musical term that has 'spoken' to me during the design process, e.g. #HSW32 Pianissimo Lace Blouse and #HSH69 Terzetto Lace Mitts. I use the best quality yarns/threads as is appropriate for an heirloom treasure. Sometimes I choose these from select commercial sources, or use threads that I hand spin especially for the project. The threads may be natural or dyed, where colorways are selected to complement the lace structure. Note: For the published pattern, I always provide generic specifications, so the knitter can use their choice of yarn/thread. I also like to incorporate beads and/or cables into knitted lace fabric; this holds additional opportunities for color and textural interaction.
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    For a number of years, I have been teaching and mentoring through arts organizations, classes, and networking with other fiber artists. Although I no longer do traveling classes to yarn shops and guilds, I continue to do online teaching. I also have tutorials available on my website and occasionally publish articles in commercial magazines and books, e.g. my Lace Primer articles published by Interweave Press. Also, through the skill-building features of my HeartStrings patterns, less-experienced knitters learn new knitting skills. For more advanced knitters, they can benefit by seeing or being reminded of ways to apply these techniques.