Judy Mangione Certified Massage Therapist
Judy Mangione Certified Massage Therapist

Judy Mangione Certified Massage Therapist

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I practice, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy and Pregnancy Massage and for 10 years I have been practicing Neuro-Structural Bodywork which is a combination of Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy and Myofacial Release, proven techniques to release chronic neck/shoulder and low back/Hip pain. I have worked in a Chiropractic Office setting for 13 years as well as maintained a private practice. I have seen many patients and have the experience, knowledge and ability to intuitively know where to work effectively. It is gratifying knowing I have helped someone, making their lives better and stress free.

1 employee

30 years in business

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This pro accepts payments via Cash and Venmo.

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