NCW Home Inspections LLC
NCW Home Inspections LLC

NCW Home Inspections LLC

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At NCW Home Inspections I will take the time to properly evaluate the home. I will provide a state of the art, fully narrative report with photographs. Including several summaries that you can use for contractors and tradesmen. I maintain a network of tradesmen and other professional home inspectors to bring to my clients the best resources available. Client satisfaction is the number one goal. I love homes, construction and architectural techniques. I love the evaluating the home and helping my clients become more aware homeowners. I see the home inspection as an educational process for the homeowner. Seeing how a home is performing in it's environment and looking for clues on how the environment may be effecting the home keeps my curiosity alive. I do this because I truly love it, and I hope it shows in the work I perform. Having a clients that are very satisfied with the inspection process and the information provided is paramount to me.
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Projects and media

13 photos

Projects and media

13 photos