Get Well Yoga
Get Well Yoga

Get Well Yoga

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As a Yoga Therapist I like to work with small groups or individuals. I teach clients how to help themselves, replacing bad habits for good ones. Self-healing enables long-lasting prevention and provides tools to practice at any convenient time in the comfort of their own home or office. The aim of the therapy is to achieve efficient and lasting results, allowing clients to move beyond restriction, compensation and dependency on therapy. I have background in high-tech, so I understand the fast-paced business world and it's effects on the body and mind. I am also a martial artist, surfer and athlete. I draw on my knowledge from personal experiences with stress management, carpal tunnel, cancer, asthma and respiratory conditions, lower back problems, and knee and shoulder injuries. I really enjoy helping people recover from injury and helping you to maintain an optimum lifestyle as you age. Also, teaching how to "hit the pause button", when work deadlines and stress seems overwhelming.

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12 years in business

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Leslie L.
Nov 3, 2014
Very helpful. Excellent work that I can break up and include in my day of hunching over the computer. He sent drawings afterwards to help me remember the exercises.


  • What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?

    I have recently completed Teacher Training in iRest, a deep healing form of meditation. It's very powerful and a proven therapy to help PSD, anxiety, stress and trauma. I intend to continue training in this field.

  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    Yoga has been instrumental in helping me run my business. It's helped me manage and process large amounts of information and stay calm - even happy, during periods of high stress. It's helped with my relationships both in business and at home. Physically, it's enabled me to continue surfing, practice martial arts and do heavy-lifting around the house. Above all, it's helped maintain a calm and positive outlook in the face of grief and illness. It is a part of who I am and I pass on these teachings from the heart with love and compassion.

  • What questions should customers think through before talking to professionals about their project?

    It's important to know that it takes time to achieve lasting results. But the results are life-changing and often lead to entire new ways of thinking and exploring the relationship with mind and body.