Prestige Property Preservation
Prestige Property Preservation

Prestige Property Preservation

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We offer gutter cleaning and dryer vent cleaning, as well as lawn maintenance and property preservation and REO services. We work with many financial institutions, realtors and homeowners, so we know what is needed and how to get the job done while keeping the feel and attention of a small business for our residential customers.

Hired 1 time

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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    First of ask if they are insured. Ask what their general Aggrigate amount is if their not insured they will not be able to answer. Ask questions ask who will do the job when will they do the job how they will do the job. If its a flat amount for service ask what if anything will change that price ie. height,distance and amount covered how is a discovered problem handled. And if you have several "jobs" to be done ask if they can do any of the other jobs also because this could save you time and money since most prices will be lower if a service provider is already at your home to perform another job.