The Puparazzi Pet Photography
The Puparazzi Pet Photography

The Puparazzi Pet Photography

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Sorry this pro can’t do your job, but we know other pros who can.
We capture the ESSENCE of your pet by waiting for the decisive moment to snap the photo. We understand that, like people, pets are unique. They have personalities and preferences that we work with instead of against so everyone enjoys a relaxed environment while we work. We treat your pet gently, and we allow your pet some time to get to know us. We know when they need a break, and we have a few secrets up our sleeve to keep them interested in us when we are working. Then, when it's time to choose a way to display and share your favorite images, we listen carefully to your preferences to make sure that the image and format you choose will suit your budget and style. I love nearly everything about my job, but what I love MOST is that I get to meet wonderful pets and use my talents to capture beautiful images of them that their "parents" will love.
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