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I offer personalized service to my clients and believe in the teamwork approach to projects as photography is very much a collaborative activity. In portrait and event photography, it's about making people happy about themselves and knowing you've given them something that they will treasure now and in the future. In the advertising realm, it's about coming up with fresh ideas for the client and then executing the concept with the goal of exceeding all expectations.
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  • What questions should customers think through before talking to professionals about their project?

    That in this era of digital creation, the adage of "GIGO-Garbage in, Garbage Out' still applies and no amount of post-production work can salvage a really bad image. My years of experience in the studio and on location are brought to bear on every assignment I undertake and minimize the risk of a bad outcome. What's often unrealized is the amount of post production time spent after an event, which in the past was generally the purview of the lab, but now rests with the photographer.