Rancho Palos Verdes Virtual Self Care Wellness
Rancho Palos Verdes Virtual Self Care Wellness

Rancho Palos Verdes Virtual Self Care Wellness

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Art of War in Health, Wealth and Beauty Self-care is health care. We offer wellness for mind, body, emotions, soul and spirit, using Traditional Chinese Medicine and Quantum medicine. Consultation and transformation technologies are used to guide and assist, transforming health, wealth and relationships with career, business, family, friend, teenagers and children. We have a food therapy program, for repair and recovering health. Try our Fountain of Youth System and transformation techniques, to see the situation from a different point-of-view. It only takes a one-degree shift in belief, thought, behavior, words or action, to create a different result or consequence. A Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Quantum philosophy, we are virtual. If you can come to us, we Skype, or we go to you, or you remain anonymous via on-line consultation, with complete confidentiality.
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