Skogrand PR Solutions, LLC
Skogrand PR Solutions, LLC

Skogrand PR Solutions, LLC

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At Skogrand PR Solutions, an award-winning Minnesota public relations, social media and search engine optimization firm, we believe in the power of communications to achieve your business objectives. Skogrand PR Solutions offers expertise from an Accredited public relations professional in many areas such as media relations, internal communications, product publicity and more. As a certified master of social media, Skogrand PR Solutions can help you communicate with your audiences using social media tools (Twitter, Facebook, blogs and more) as well. Whether you want to sell more product, increase enrollment, boost membership or more, public relations, social media and search engine optimization should be an integral part of your marketing mix.

1 employee

15 years in business

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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Consider the person's credentials. You might want to hire someone who is Accredited in public relations (APR), which means that they have passed rigorous exams in public relations knowledge and ethics.